Thursday, March 23, 2017

Is a photographer an artist?

“You might not think that programmers are artists, but programming is an extremely creative profession. It's logic-based creativity”. John Romero

My father explained to me the other day that many painters do not consider photographers artists. The theory is (I assume) that they are simply taking a picture of a moment and are not truly using any artistic talent to create art.

Now before I disagree, or before I get all the photographers up in arms, let’s look at the dictionary definition of ‘artist’:

  1. A person who produces paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby
  2. A person who practices any of the various creative arts, such as a sculptor, novelist, poet, or filmmaker
  3. A person skilled at a particular task or occupation.

So according to the dictionary photographers are artists (assuming they fall into the ‘creative arts’ bracket). However, I am sure this will not convince painters.

So what is art?

“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” Pablo Picasso

I think Picasso has captured the essence of art perfectly. Art to me is something that I do not see in my mundane life, but something that moves me emotionally when I view it. It could be the musings of a poet – it could be the dance of the ballerina, or the lyrics of a great song writer. All of these are considered art.

Photography, like any other profession, can lead to great art. While I don’t consider photography to be mundane, there is art in the mundane. The presentation of a great chef, or the performance of a great sports player can be artist – something that takes skill, and creates beauty is art (in my opinion).

So is photography art?

I have never considered myself an artist; I produce photographs that vary in quality that appeal to some people. I have managed to capture emotive photographs, as well as beautiful photographs, but I still wouldn’t consider these photos as art. (The photo attached to this post is emotive - it capture a moment in a zoo where I truly felt empathy for a creature in its prison. I deliberately left the chain link fence in the photo and took it through two pieces of wood so that I felt as i I was peeking into despair)

A photograph, as it stands, is not necessarily art – what makes it art is when the photographer produces something that is more visceral or more emotive than a normal photograph.

As an example – I have taken many photographs of people – but they are simply pictures. Annie Leibovitz has taken photographs of people, and found a rawness and a soul – her photographs are art.

Is a photographer an artist?

So is a photographer an artist? Most photographers are not, but some are!

Is all photography art – no. Is some photography art – absolutely!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, photography is an art form and therefore photographers can be considered artists. As you said, not ALL photographers are artists and not all photography is art. This is the same in any art form - not all who draw/paint/sketch/etc. are artists and not all drawings/paintings/sketches/etc. are considered art.
